Aaaaand just like that the rush of the holidays are over. This year was different of course, but I still had a great Christmas and New Years. Despite the jovialness (is that a word?) of the holidays, I always get a small sense of relief when we hit January 2nd. Suddenly my weekends open up. Plus, as an introvert, I take a level of delight in seeing LESS social events on my calendar. What about you? Do you feed off the busyness of this time of year or does it stress you out?

Baking cookies with my sister.

I know what you’re thinking right now: Stop blabbing about the same old Christmas news and give us the update we really want! Okay, fine. I’ll tell you the big news. My husband bought me a Snuggie (aka wearable blanket) for Christmas! Amazing right? I think he was sick of hearing me complain about always being cold while writing so he found a way for me to be curled up in a blanket while still having my arms free! [Sorry, Snuggie not pictured 🙁 ]

Philippe enjoying the Christmas tree.

Oh, wait, that wasn’t the news you were talking about? That’s basically the biggest thing that’s happened to me in this last month… I’m even wearing the Snuggie now as I type this blog post!

Relax, I’m joking. Not about the Snuggie, I am really wearing it right now… But I know that’s not what you came here for.  

In my last blog post I told you that I had typed “The End” on The Dark Ruler in November. The manuscript then went to my editor to work her magic. And if you follow me on Facebook then you know that in the middle of December I got the manuscript back from my editor and decided to take a social media hiatus until I officially finished the book.

This is what got me through during December…

As per usual, my editor returned the manuscript with a slew of suggested changes. So I sat down and set to work. Amongst the rush of Christmas I put all my focus on the final draft of The Dark Ruler. I went through all my editor’s notes along with edits from two of my critique partners. I had three pages of typed up things that I decided I wanted to change about the book. And along the way I even decided to add a few more scenes.

After weeks of slogging through editing minutia and changing a BUNCH of character names last minute (if you know me, you know that’s a thing I do), I finally finished The Dark Ruler! Wahoo! *FIREWORKS*

My face after emailing The Dark Ruler to my advanced reader team!

Just two days before the new year, I sent out copies to my Street Team (aka advanced reader team). They’re literally reading The Dark Ruler right now! *bites fingernails* Some of my speedy readers are already finished and the book has even garnered some positive feedback.

Despite all the critiques my book gets before I’m done writing it, invariably some of my Street Team members find little typos or grammatical errors that got missed. So I expect to make a few little edits based on their feedback before the official release day.

Speaking of release day… I can finally announce the release date for the all new Camilla book, The Dark Ruler. This book will be available on January 27th! I will also be hosting a launch party on January 29th where I’ll do a giveaway and some other fun stuff. Right. These. Dates. Down! Seriously, do it now! I want to see all of you at the launch party.

And something new I’m doing with this book, is I’m planning to have it available for pre-order on Amazon. I’ve never done this before, but basically you’ll be able to pre-order the book and then on the day it releases, it will automatically be downloaded to your Kindle. Cool, right? I will send out an email notifying you when the pre-order is available so make sure you’re signed up for my email newsletter >>>

I also have a promotion planned later this month and some other goodies I can’t wait to share with you all! Thank you for your support. Make sure to comment down below to let me know how your holidays were and on a scale of 1-10 how excited you are for the release of The Dark Ruler!
